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Haryana General Knowledge
Some Important Facts about Haryana
⫸ वर्णित राज्य का नाम : हरियाणा
⫸ राजधानी : चंडीगढ़ (पंजाब के साथ)
⫸ स्थापना दिवस : 1 नवंबर 1966
⫸ राज्य के नाम का भावार्थ : हरी का निवास अर्थात भगवान का निवास
⫸ क्षेत्रफल : 44,212 वर्ग किलो मीटर
⫸ भारत के कुल क्षेत्रफल का भाग : 1.34%
⫸ भौगोलिक स्थिति : भारत का उत्तर- पश्चिमी राज्य
⫸ भौगोलिक अवस्थिति : स्थिति 27०39’ उत्तरी अक्षांश (Northern Latitude) से 30०55’5’’ उत्तरी अक्षांश (Northern Latitude) तथा 74०28’ से पूर्वी देशांतर (Eastern Longitude) से 77०36′ पूर्वी देशांतर
⫸ हरियाणा की आकृति : विषमबाहु चतुर्भुज
⫸ सीमावर्ती राज्य : उत्तर में हिमाचल प्रदेश, प्रदेश दक्षिण- पश्चिम में राजस्थान, पूर्व में उत्तर- प्रदेश; उत्तराखंड और दिल्ली, उत्तर- पश्चिम में पंजाब एवं चंडीगढ़
⫸ संबन्धित उच्च न्यायालय : पंजाब और हरियाणा उच्च न्याययालय (चंडीगढ़)
⫸ मण्डल : 6 (गुड़गांव, हिसार, रोहतक, अंबाला, करनाल तथा फ़रीदाबाद
⫸ उप मण्डल : 72 (updated to 73)
⫸ जिले : 22
⫸ तहसील : 93
⫸ उप तहसील : 50
⫸ खंड : 141
⫸ कुल कस्बे : 154
⫸ कुल गाँव : 6841 (7356)
⫸ कुल ग्राम पंचायत : 6212
⫸ कुल पंचायत समिति : 126
⫸ नगर परिषद् : 20 (अधिक जानकारी के लिए क्लिक करें)
⫸ नगर पालिका : 58
⫸ नगर निगम : 9 (फ़रीदाबाद, करनाल, पानीपत, पंचकुला, हिसार, रोहतक, यमुनानगर, गुरुग्राम, सोनीपत)
⫸ विधानमण्डल का स्वरूप : एक सदनात्तमक (विधानसभा)
⫸ कुल संसद सदस्य : 15
⫸ राज्यसभा सदस्य : 5
⫸ लोकसभा सदस्य : 10
⫸ विधान सभा सदस्य संख्या : 90 +1
⫸ राज्य का प्रथम मुख्यमंत्री : भगवत दयाल शर्मा
⫸ राज्य का प्रथम राज्यपाल : धर्मवीर
⫸ क्षेत्रफल की ओर से राज्य का स्थान : 21वाँ
⫸ जनसंख्या की दृष्टि से राज्य का स्थान : 18वाँ
⫸ राज्य के प्रमुख विश्वविध्यालय : 10 (महेंद्रगढ़, कुरुक्षेत्र, रोहतक (2), सिरसा, सोनीपत, हिसार (2), मुरथल व फ़रीदाबाद
⫸ साक्षरता की दृष्टि से राज्य का स्थान : 22वाँ
⫸ राज्य के प्रमुख तकनीकी व शोध संस्थान : 8 (करनाल (5), हिसार (2) तथा फ़रीदाबाद
⫸ राज्य का तत्कालीन मुख्यमंत्री : मनोहर लाल खट्टर
⫸ राज्य का तत्कालीन विधानसभा प्रतिपक्ष नेता : अभय सिंह चौटाला
⫸ राज्य का तत्कालीन विधानसभा अध्यक्ष : कंवर सिंह गुर्जर
⫸ राज्य का तत्कालीन राज्यपाल : सत्यदेव नारायण आर्य
⫸ राज्य के प्रतीक चिह्न : पीपल (राज्य वृक्ष), ब्लैक बक (राज्य पशु), कमल (राज्य पुष्प), तथा काला तितर अथवा ब्लैक फ्रैन्कोलिन (राज्य पक्षी)
⫸ हरियाणा राज्य की कुल जनसंख्या : 25,351,462
⫸ लिंगानुपात की दृष्टि से राज्य का स्थान : 31वाँ
⫸ देश की कुल जनसंख्या का प्रतिशत : 2.09 प्रतिशत
⫸ राज्य की प्रमुख भाषाएँ : हिन्दी, पंजाबी व हरियाणवी
⫸ राज्य के प्रमुख उद्योग : सीमेंट, साईकिल, कृषि यंत्र, कागज, इंजीयरिंग, ऊन, चमड़ा, कपड़ा, प्लास्टिक, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स, चीनी मिट्टी, धातु व मारुति उद्योग
⫸ राज्य की मुखी फसलें : चावल, गेंहू , ज्वार, बाजरा, मक्का, जौ, कपास, गन्ना, तिलहन, दलहन व आलू
⫸ राज्य का रेलवे मुख्यालय : अंबाला
⫸ राज्य का दूरदर्शन केंद्र : हिसार
⫸ राज्य के आकाशवाणी केंद्र : रोहतक, कुरुक्षेत्र व हिसार
⫸ ऑन लाइन शिकायत दर्ज करने वाला प्रथम राज्य : हरियाणा
⫸ दो बार माउंट एवरेस्ट चढ़ने वाली महिला (भारत) : संतोष यादव
⫸ भाखडा डैम प्रोजेक्ट के जन्मदाता : चौधरी छोटूराम
⫸ हरियाणा केसरी : पंडित नेकीराम
⫸ राज्य का सर्वोच्य शिक्षा सम्मान : राज्य शिक्षक पुरस्कार
⫸ राज्य का सर्वोच्य खेल सम्मान : भीम पुरस्कार
⫸ राज्य का सर्वोच्य साहित्य सम्मान : सूर सम्मान
⫸ राज्य का सर्वोच्य उद्योग सम्मान : मुख्यमंत्री रत्न पुरस्कार
⫸ राज्य के प्रमुख त्योहार : दीपावली, होली, ईद, बैशाखी, लोहड़ी व टिक्का
⫸ राज्य के पर्यटक परिसरों की संख्या : 43
⫸ राज्य के हवाई अड्डे : करनाल, हिसार, नारनौल, पिंजौर व भिवानी
⫸ राज्य का राजकीय खेल : कुश्ती
⫸ प्रथम हरियाणवी उपन्यास : झाड़ूफिरी
⫸ राज्य की पर्वत शृंखलाएँ : शिवालिक व अरावली
⫸ प्रथम हरियाणवी फिल्म : धरती (HSSC के अनुसार पहली हरियाणवी फिल्म हरफूल जाट जुलानी वाला है, तो कुछ के अनुसार धरती तथा कुछ वीरा शेरा को हरियाणवी की प्रथम फिल्म बताते हैं। 1984 में रिलीज़ चंद्रावल, पहली सबसे अधिक कमाई करने वाली हरियाणवी फिल्म|)
⫸ राज्य का प्रथम राजकवि : उदयभान हंस
⫸ भारत प्रसिद्ध बुनकरों का शहर : पानीपत
⫸ एशिया का सबसे बड़ा पशुफ़ार्म : हिसार
⫸ भारत प्रसिद्ध पहाड़ों की रानी : मोरनी हिल्स
⫸ राज्य के चिड़ियाघर : भिवानी, रोहतक व पिपली
⫸ राज्य के प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थल : पिंजौर गार्डन, बड़खल झील, फ्लेमिंगो, दबचिक, जंगल- बबलर, कर्ण झील, मैना, रेड बिशप, दमदमा, सुल्तानपुर पक्षी विहार, सूरजकुंड, मोरनी हिल्स, काला तितर, मैगपाई, गौरेया, शमा, पैराकीट, सोहना, ब्लूजे, स्काईलार्क व कुरुक्षेत्र
⫸ साक्षरता दर : 75.55% (As per 2011 Population Census)
Haryana Current Affairs 2019
Important Haryana GK One Liners
👉 Which civilization is also known as Seeswal civilization in Haryana? : Harappan Civilization
👉 Who discovered the Mitathal site of Harappan civilization in Haryana? : Dr. Surajbhaan
👉 _____is the largest site of Indus Valley Civilization after Mohenjodaro. : Rakhi Garhi
👉 All the three stages of Harappan civilization (in Haryana) were found in ___? : Mitathal, Bhiwani
👉 Who discovered the three sites of Harappan civilization at Madina, Girawad and Farmanakhas (Rohtak, Haryana)? : Dr. Vivek Dangi
👉 Where did the bangles made of copper and glass excavate in Haryana? : Bhagwanpur
👉 Which pre-Harappan site was found in Haryana? : Kunal
👉 Jogankheda site of IVC is in which district of Haryana? : Jind
👉 Where are the evidence of ploughed land found in Haryana and India? : Banawali (Fatehabad)
👉 All three stages of development of houses from pit houses to rectangular to the square dwelling was found in ___district of Haryana. : Kunal (Fatehabad)
👉 Haryana was named as Brahmavedi in Panchvish Brahman of ____veda. : Samaveda
👉 In Sathpath Brahmana, Haryana was named as ____? : Kuru Jangal
👉 The two Yaksh- Kapil and Tarantuk are believed to be situated on which river bank? : Dhrashtadhati River
👉 Which was the capital of king Parikshit, the last of the kuru ruler? : Asandh (Karnal)
👉 Rohitika was the older name of which district of Haryana? : Rohtak
👉 Traces of rice and wheat both were found at which site of Haryana? : Rakhi Garhi (Hisar)
👉 Capital of Yaudreya republic was ___. It constitutes which parts of Haryana? : Prakritnak, (Naurangabad, Bhiwani) and it constituted jat belt of Haryana (Hisar, Rohtak, Sonipat)
👉 The word ‘dwi’ was used for which of the two republics? : Yaudreya and Arjunayan
👉 Which of the two republics were mentioned by Panini in his book Astadheyey? : Agreya and Arjunanyana
👉 After the destruction of republic Agreya (capital Agroha), who reconstructed the city of Agroha? : Maharaja Agrasen
👉 As per Divya Vadan, which were the centres of Buddhism in Haryana? : Rohtak and Agroha
👉 According to Buddhist literature, Vinay Pitak, Vaid Jeevak belonged to which place of Haryana? : Rohtak
👉 The idols of Buddha were found at which sites of Haryana? : Brahmanavas, Rohtak and Naurangabad, Bhiwani
👉 The idols of Jainism were found at which places of Haryana? : Hansi (Hisar) and Ranila (Charkhi Dadri)
👉 Along with Ashoka, which another Indian ruler is also mentioned at Topra inscription? : Bisaldeva Chauhan (His victory over Malecha is mentioned; 12 CAD)
👉 Which is the only inscription (found in Haryana) written in Kharosthi script? : Karnal inscription (Ashoka’s)
👉 Who read the Topra inscription at the earliest? : James Princep in 1837
👉 The idols of Sunga dynasty were found at______ in Yamunanagar. : Sugh
👉 Indo-Greek coins were found at ______ (Rohtak)and_____(Bhiwani). : Khokracoat (Rohtak) and Naurangabaad (Bhiwani))
👉 The inscription found at Laos is about ____ Indian ruler? : Maharajadhiraj Shreedeva of Thanesar, Kurukshetra
👉 Seals depicting shloka regarding jatayu, sita, ram, Lakshman and Ramayana, found at Nacharkheda, Jind. These belong to which ancient dynasty? : Gupta period
👉 Samudragupta’s coins were found at ____and ____ places of Haryana. : Jagadri (Yamunanagar) and Mitathal (Bhiwani)
👉 The idol of Lord Vishnu at Shes Saiyan/shesnaag was found at ____(Sonipat). : Kajiliput (Sonipat)
👉 Who built Staneshwar Mahadev temple at Thanesar (Kurukshetra)? : Pushyabhuti Vardhan
👉 It was renovated by ____. : Sadashivrao Bhao
👉 Harshavardhan changed his capital from Thanesar to ____. : Kannauj
👉 Banabhatt, Mayur, Divakar, Huein Tsang and Kalidas; Out of these poets, which did not belong to the court of Harshvardhan? : Kalidas
👉 Who wrote the biography of Harshavardhan? : Bhanbhatt
👉 ___-,____and___ were written by Harshavardhan himself. : Nagananda, Priyadarshani and Ratanawali
👉 Harsha collected one-sixth of produce as tax. True/False. : True
👉 According to Colonel James Todd, ____and local tribes gave birth to the modern day Rajputs. : Huns
👉 The evidences of Mihir Bhoj were found at ____ in Haryana. : Pehowa, Kurukshetra
👉 Three types of tax collected by Harshavardhan administration were ____,____ and ____. : Hirnaya (cash), bhag (share of grains) and bali (gifts or services)
👉 ____ of Ajmer defeated Gopal of Tomar and Delhi became seat of Chauhans. : Annauraj of Ajmer
👉 Who wrote the biography of Prithviraj III (as Prithviraj Raso)? : Chand Bardai
👉 Tarain is in ____district of Haryana. : Karnal
👉 _____of Hansi helped Prithviraj Chauhan during the first battle of Tarain. : Govind Rai
👉 ______of Garhwal helped Mohammad Gauri during the second battle of Tarain. : Raja Jai Chandra
👉 ____ of Hansi and _____ of Rewari tried to stop Mohammad Ghori after the defeat of Chauhans in Delhi. : Jatwa of Hansi and Governor Rao Tejpal of Rewari
👉 Third battle of Tarain was fought between _____ and ____ in 1215. : Shamshuddin and Yalduz
👉 ___ was the smallest IQTA of slave dynasty. : Palwal
👉 Balban was the Iqtedar of _____. : Hansi
👉 Jalaluddin Khilji was the iqtedar of _____. : Kaithal
👉 Hisar, Junagarh and Fatehabad cities were established by which ruler? : Firoz Shah Tughlaq
👉 When did Taimur attack Haryana? : 1398 AD
👉 Only two rulers were left unaffected by the attack of Taimur. Who were they? : Hasan Khan Mewati and Mohan Singh Bhandar of Kaithal (they had good relations with Sayyids)
👉 _____ and ____ revolted during the reign of Sikander Lodi. : Kalayat (Kaithal) and Jind
👉 Before the 1st battle of Panipat, Which areas were attacked by Babur? : Hisar and Mewat
👉 Hemachandra (Hemu) was a trader of _____. He has opted for the title of Vikramaditya XIV. : Rewari
👉 Who established a new city Faridabad named after Sheikh Baba Farid, treasurer of Mughals? : Jahangir
👉 Who built Mughal bridge and Mama-bhanja Mughal sarai at Gharonda (Karnal)? : Shah Jahan
👉 Hisar was known by the name ____ during Mughals which was under the control of Kriparam Gaur. : Chakla
👉 Which was the capital of Charles Thomas? : Hansi
👉 On 23rd September 1857 ______ died at Kabul. His death anniversary is observed as Martyrs’ day of Haryana. : Rao Tula Ram
👉 Who gave information of revolt to British? : Shyam Singh Sainik
👉 Who started the swadeshi movement in Haryana? : Lala Lajpat Rai
👉 ____ of ___ wrote a satire against separate electorate, namely, “Shivshambu ka Chittha”. : Bal Mukund Gupta of Rewari
👉 Who was the leader of Home rule league in Haryana? : Pt. Nekiram Sharma
👉 Which was the first jail arrest of Gandhiji? : At Palwal railway station
👉 Due to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, who surrendered the title of Sir and Rai Bahadur in Haryana? : Lala Murlidhar
👉 In Haryana, who were the Khilafat leaders? : Sufi Iqbal and Khair Mohammad
👉 Which two Haryana revolutionaries made a bomb at Rohtak laboratory and threw it on Irwin to take the revenge of death of Lala Lajpat Rai on lathi charge? : Vaid Lekhram Sharma and Yashpal
👉 Which is the only ISO certified school in Haryana? : Rajkiya madhyamik vidhyalaya Biwan at Nuh
👉 Where is India’s biggest Ashoka Chakra unveiled in Haryana? : Topra (Yamunanagar)
👉 Where is VVPAT machines used in Haryana for the first time? : Jind by-elections
👉 Modern Automatic Analyzer for pollution monitoring is procured from which country? : France
👉 Where is the pollution control board of Haryana situated? : Panchkula
👉 Where did SCERT organize state level 46th Jawaharlal Nehru Maths, Science and Environment exhibition? : Gurugram
👉 Theme country for Surajkhand Craft Mela 2019 is ____. : Thailand
👉 Swampy soil is found in which part of Haryana? : Sirsa
👉 Which is the smallest district of Haryana after Faridabad? : Panchkula
👉 Which is the largest district of Haryana? : Sirsa
👉 Which is the 22nd district of Haryana? : Charkhi Dadri
👉 Which district is also known as ‘heart of Haryana’? : Jind
👉 __ district(s) of Haryana touches boundary with Chandigarh (State Capital/ which is also a Union Territory) : Only one- Panchkula
👉 Which are the two only districts of Haryana which do not share its boundary with any other state or UT? : Charkhi Dadri and Rohtak
👉 Which city of Haryana is also known as Brass capital of Haryana? : Rewari
👉 Which city is known by the name ‘Choti Kashi’? : Bhiwani
👉 Haryana Government organized ____ to create awareness about aadhar card. : Aadhar rath
👉 The book “Flora of Morni Hills” written by _____. : Acharya Bal Krishan
👉 Who was the first elected chief minister of Haryana? : Rao Virendra Rao
👉 Haryana is ___state of India. : 17th (seventeenth)
👉 Which four districts of Haryana were carved out simultaneously? : Yamunanagar, Rewari, Kaithal and Panipat (on 1st November, 1989)
👉 Who is the state ambassador of Haryana? : Baba Ramdev
👉 Who wrote the book “Narendra Modi-A charismatic visionary and statesman”? : Aadish Aggarwal
👉 Who is the chairman of Haryana State Women Commission? : Srimati Pratibha Suman
👉 Which divyang woman of Haryana hosted the national flag at Antartica’s Mount Winson for the first time? : Anurima Sinha
👉 First napkin pad unit of Haryana is at____. : Fatehabad
👉 Which of the chief ministers of Haryana took the oath for CM for the maximum number of times? : Chaudhary Om Prakash Chautala
👉 How many seats are reserved in Haryana Vidhan Sabha? : Out of 90 seats, 17 are reserved.
👉 Which are the four districts of Haryana with no reserved seats? : Panchkula, Mahendragarh, Nuh and Faridabad
👉 Who was the president of Haryana Rural conference held in 1921? : Lala Lajpat Rai
👉 Who is the state ambassador for the national scheme ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padao Yojana’? : Sakshi Malik
👉 Where is ‘Lakadhara temple’ on lines of Konark temple of Orissa? : Jagadari, Yamunanagar
👉 Where was Nathu Ram Godse hanged? : Ambala jail
👉 Who is known as Shakespeare of Haryana? : Deep Chand Brahmin
👉 Who is known as the illiterate poet of Haryana? : Pt. Lakhmi Chand
👉 When and between whom did the battle of Ambala take place? : In 1709 between Sikhs and Mughals (where Sikhs won the battle)
👉 Ambala is known for the cultivation of ______and______. : Turmeric and mango
👉 Who is the longest-serving governor of Haryana? : B N Chakraborty
👉 When did Karnal-born Kalpana Chawla die in a plane crash? : 01/02/03
👉 Which city is also known as the city of scientific instruments? : Ambala
👉 Where is Saraswati Wildlife sanctuary located? : Kaithal
👉 Which city is also known as ‘Land of war heroes’? : Bhiwani
👉 Which is the most populous city of Haryana after Faridabad? : Hisar
👉 Where is ‘star temple’ located? : Bhiwani
👉 Iron Man of Haryana : Sh. Bansi Lal
👉 Who is the guru of Baba Ramdev? : Acharya Baldev
👉 Who started the newspaper ‘jat Gazette’? : Sir Chotu Ram
👉 Where is Cement Corporation of India located? : Charkhi Dadri
👉 Which is the largest village of Haryana? : Sisai (Hisar)
👉 Where is the steam locomotive museum located in Haryana? : Rewari
👉 ____ app is launched by the govt to solve vehicle theft-related issues. : Match and catch app
👉 Battle of Rezang La is related to which district of Haryana? : Rewari
👉 When did the Badkal Lake of Faridabad build? : 1947
👉 Where is Shree Krishna Museum located in Haryana? : Kurukshetra
👉 Which is the only museum of Haryana which is under Chandigarh wing of Archeological Survey of India? : Thanesar Museum
👉 Who is also known as the father of modern Saang? : Deep Chand Brahman
👉 Which is the largest artificial lake of Haryana? : Damdama Lake (Sohna, Gurugram)
👉 Where is Basai wetland situated in Haryana? : Basai Village, Gurugram
👉 Which state is known as a wheat bowl of India? : Haryana
👉 Where are Narayangarh hills situated in Haryana? : Ambala
👉 Which is also known as twin city? : Ambala (Ambala city and Ambala cantonment area)
👉 Which is also known as tricity? : Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali.
👉 Aravalis constitutes__ percentage of total area of Haryana. : 3.09
👉 Regional name of Khadar soil in Jagadari (Yamunanagar) is ____. : Solar clay
👉 Regional name of Bhabhar soil in Jagadari (Yamunanagar) is ____. : Kandi soil
👉 Maximum cultivation of rice is done in which district of Haryana? : Karnal
👉 The state of Haryana has the maximum cover of ____ soil. : Alluvial soil
👉 Ancient name of river Markanda is ____. : Aruna
👉 The ancient name of river Ravi is ____. : Parushani
👉 Where does the river Ghaggar meet the river Markanda in Haryana? : Pehowa, Kurukshetra
👉 What is the origin of river Tangri? : Morni Hills, Panchkula
👉 Which new district of Haryana was made before the formation of Charkhi Dadri? : Nuh(Mewat)
👉 Who was the first speaker of Haryana State Legislative Assembly? : Rao Birender Singh
👉 Dancing stones are found in ___village of ___district of Haryana. : Kaliyana village of Charkhi Dadri
👉 So far how many times, Haryana was drawn under President’s rule? : Three times (1967, 1977 and 1991)
👉 Where is Tajewala barrage located? : Yamunanagar
👉 In which district of Haryana Rajiv Gandhi Thermal Power Station located? : Hisar
👉 Where is Arjun stadium located in Haryana? : Jind
👉 Which city is also known as ‘education city’ of Haryana? : Sonipat
👉 Which place in Haryana is also known by names like “Boxing Cuba”; “Little Cuba” or “Mini Cuba”? : Bhiwani
👉 Where did the first Saangi of Haryana, Krishan Lal Bhatt hail from? : Meerut (UP).
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